
Why you should be at the 2023 Ideas Festival (IF)


By Trevor Ncube

The three-year In Conversation With Trevor (ICWT) journey has shined a light on creative and enterprising people in a country that faces so many political, economic and social problems. The journey has drawn our attention to beautiful spaces and inspirational ideas.

The main objective of ICWT is to change our narrative by moving away from the noise and toxicity and focusing on the life journeys of ordinary people building companies and providing quality products and services. By amplifying what these entrepreneurs are doing we have started influencing our story as a nation. We have inspired thousands by showing them that what they thought was impossible is actually doable with a little bit of courage, self-belief and putting in the work.

The conversations with people building real things have opened doors for them and provided impetus to their dreams. Sometimes what makes us take the next step is affirmation such as “Well done and keep going.” This means the company you keep is important and who you listen to matters.

The launch of the annual Ideas Festival (IF) at Troutbeck Hotel, Nyanga, creates a circle of highly networked people getting together to share some of the great things they are doing to scale and improve their businesses. IF is a live space where entrepreneurs share the practical things they are working on. These are ideas that have come to fruition with tremendous power to inspire those in the room. Every business, project and product started off as just an idea in someone’s mind. Courage, hard work, discipline and resources then converted the idea into products and services.

We believe that we learn from the mistakes and successes of others. We benefit from being in the room where others share their lived experiences in business. The 2023 IF programme will include Masterclasses, ideas panels, fireside chats and an Ideas Tank for entrepreneurs to pitch their exciting business ideas.

Impactful ideas don’t keep time. It helps to be in the room when others are sharing ideas. Ideas tend to spark off other ideas, which is why you should be at this inaugural Ideas Festival.
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For more information please drop an email to [email protected] or [email protected]#IdeasTank2023 convowithtrevor.com/events/ #icwt23

In Conversation with Plot Mhako


Award winning music and arts journalist , Plot Mhako, has had a huge impact in the music industry. The creative director and founder of Jibilika, Plot, is passionate about empowering others in the music and art spaces. His infectious passion and love for arts has led him to discover young talent whilst also creating an enabling environment for the youth. Plot Mhako shares his journey in the arts industry. Watch his episode here..

Audience Responses

From the Plot Mhako episode, our community had this to say:

I feel like this guy carries a sense of natural wisdom, he is national treasure he is our icon.

Thank you so much @TrevorNcube for this wonderful opportunity to share my unfiltered story, my journey and the work. Will forever be grateful.
You have done well local and international for music artists emerging and established; what you have done Zimbabweans will be forever be grateful. A good mentor and role to young brother Chad who is successful in his own right. Your impeccable business ethic of not cutting corners and being ethical spoke to me so much; thank you.
Uncle Trevor this is one of the best shows you have done with this smart guy. Till you guys finished l never got a chance to sit properly. Thank you Plot
I have a lot of respect for Plot, what he fights for is very important.

Coming Next: In Conversation with Shakemore Wellington Timburwa


Don’t miss the next episode with Internationally Celebrated Zimbabwean Entreprenuer, Shakemore Wellington Timburwa In Conversation with Trevor.

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in conversation with trevorZimbabwean entrepreneur and newspaper publisher Trevor Ncube
sits down with various high-profile guests in a series of
candid, conversations that seeks to go beyond the headlines and
beyond the sensational.

Book of the Week

book cover

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future Peter Thiel

Order yours on Amazon

Recommended Reading:
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You (10th Anniversary Edition)
by John C. Maxwell

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